Group English Course

Part2 of this basis A2 level English course broadens and focuses your English on more intricate language such as explaining what’s happening at the moment and being able to express when you are not sure about something, talk about your job and how to introduce yourself in an email or letter. Making appointments and asking someone to repeat something, visits to the Post Office, imagining the future, describing your home, checking information and finding key info in a brochure or internet site also feature.

360 € Per Course

9 € / Lesson Hour

 This Course Includes:

  • 40 Lessons
  • Group Course (6 Participants)
  • 2 x 45 Minutes a week
  • 20 Week Course
  • Charrly Video Conference Platform
  • Fixed Schedule
  • Valid For 20 Weeks
  • Native Speaking Teacher

What you'll learn

  • Learn to say what’s happening at the moment.
  • Saying when you’re not sure about something.
  • Talk about your job and other people’s jobs.
  • Introducing yourself in an email or letter.
  • Make an appointment.
  • Ask someone to repeat what they said.
  • Talk about memories of childhood.
  • Ask for what you need at the post office.
  • Describe your home and parts of the house.
  • Finding the key information in a leaflet or on a website.
  • Waste and recycling.
  • Making offers and promises.
  • Offering and accepting help.
  • Talking about future consequences.
  • Making and accepting an apology.
  • Explaining a problem and interrupting someone.
  • Grammar topics such as will (speculation about the future),will (offers and promises).
  • First conditional.
  • too / enough.
  • Possessives (mine, yours, etc.).
  • Present simple / Present continuous.
  • Past simple, used to.
  • could(n’t) / was(n’t) able to.

  Created For Charrly by Business English Academy


  • This English language course (Part2) is suitable for beginners of English of Levels A1 or A2 according to the Common European Framework for Language learning (CEF).
  • It is necessary to purchase an English course book (which Charrly will recommend) to be able to participate in this course.
  • The course will be delivered online using our video-conferencing system – Charrly. You will need to have the following:
  • A fast Internet connection (DSL or LAN preferably with a cable connection)
  • PC or Laptop with Windows 7 or higher, an Apple computer or iPad or Tablet
  • Google Chrome or MS Edge Web browser for Windows PCs, Apple OS computers (Desktop/Laptop) and Android Tablets
  • Safari Web browser for iPAD iOS
  • Please download the latest browser version
  • A Webcam
  • Headset or use the built-in speaker + microphone of your computer