; Laravel
Group English Course
360 €

Tuesday , Appointments, Maximum 6 Persons

This basis A2 level English course will help you speak and understand English in everyday situations, so that you can create a simple letter and email, fill out forms, and deal with complex language. You will become morecompetent in speaking English, talking about hobbies and interests, and speaking about your experiences. You will learn to use English when you travel, shop and ask about things and you will learn go online in English when you need to book or review flight details as well as being able to manage when you need a word.
Group English Course
360 €

Monday , Appointments, Maximum 6 Persons

Part2 of this basis A2 level English course broadens and focuses your English on more intricate language such as explaining what’s happening at the moment and being able to express when you are not sure about something, talk about your job and how to introduce yourself in an email or letter. Making appointments and asking someone to repeat something, visits to the Post Office, imagining the future, describing your home, checking information and finding key info in a brochure or internet site also feature.